Learn about the GEM Fellowship Program here


GEM Fellowships

University/Associate Fellow

GEM’s fellowship programs span the entire recruitment, retention, and professional development spectrum. GEM’s principal activity is the provision of graduate fellowships at the MS and PhD levels coupled with paid summer internships. GEM also offers fellowships without paid summer internships through our GEM University and Associate Fellowship programs. These are applicants that are nominated by the universities that meet specific criteria (Applicants can not choose to be University / Associate Fellows).

Employer Fellow

GEM’s fellowship programs span the entire recruitment, retention, and professional development spectrum. GEM’s principal activity is the provision of graduate fellowships at the MS and PhD levels coupled with paid summer internships. GEM also offers fellowships without paid summer internships through our GEM University and Associate Fellowship programs.

Fellowship Programs

Getting Ready for Advanced Degrees Laboratory (GRAD Lab)

The GEM GRAD Lab (Getting Ready for Advance Degree Laboratory) is a portable undergraduate program designed for hosting at GEM Member University campuses or GEM partners’ national conference to give highly qualified STEM undergraduates information on the benefit of pursuing a graduate degree to gain access to high level research and technology careers in a highly interactive one-day event. Fall GRAD Labs are held September – November of each year on GEM Member universities campus as sole sponsorship events, or as regional collaborations of GEM University Members and GEM Employers. Our largest, signature GRAD Lab will take place during our Annual Board Meeting and Conference in September 2025 in San Diego, CA. For a review of our Fall 2024 GRAD Lab season, please visit our GEM GRAD Lab page.

National GRAD Lab Sponsor | $30,000

Become our National Sponsor of GEM GRAD Labs to receive branding, logo and ad placement on custom materials developed for the 12-15 GRAD Lab held in an academic year.

National Stem Partner Sponsor | $15,000 per Conference

Our National MOU partners, hold a GEM GRAD Lab each year. Sponsoring a GEM GRAD Lab at one premier national membership conference will provide branding for your institution on custom materials as well as you will receive the benefits of your contribution level at each conference.

GEM GRAD Lab Regional Sponsor | $2500

GEM holds GRAD Labs on Member campuses across the country. Sponsoring a GEM GRAD Lab at a partnering University and/or in a key geographic area allows strategic branding in front of a pipeline of performing talent. Please specify the regional area of interest and we will identify a University partner to host in this market.

  • New England GRAD Lab
  • Upstate New York GRAD Lab
  • New York City GRAD Lab
  • Mid-Atlantic GRAD Lab
  • Southeast GRAD Lab
  • Midwest GRAD Lab
  • Texas GRAD Lab
  • Western GRAD Lab

Please indicate your GRAD Lab sponsorship level when completing your sponsorship sheet:

  • Regional Employer Sponsor | $2,500
  • University Host Sponsor | $2,500
  • New York City GRAD Lab

Future Faculty and Professionals (FFP) Symposium

The Future Faculty and Professionals Symposium is GEM’s signature career development program for future faculty members and industry professionals.  The goal of the FFP Symposium is to provide graduate students with improved research and career competitiveness, tools and metrics for greater control in career planning, and to gain access to a powerful network of peers and mentors.

National FFP Symposium Sponsor | $30,000

Become our National Sponsor of FFP to receive branding, logo and ad placement on custom materials developed for the National FFP held in Miami Beach, FL, August 3-5, 2016.

FFP Travel Grant | $1,750 Per Student

Each GEM University or Employer member is encouraged to sponsor at least one (1) FFP Travel Grant. Travel grants provide your current GEM Fellow or non-Fellow graduate students the opportunity to take advantage of this program focused specifically on their needs, and support successful matriculation to completion of their graduate STEM degree.  The National FFP Symposium typically occurs as part of the GEM Annual Meeting in August of each year. Travel grant benefits include:

  • One (1) complimentary full registration to FFP event
  • Travel grant to cover air travel to FFP event
  • Shared accommodations (two students per room) for the duration of the FFP event
  • FFP Workshop materials

Technical Presentation | $15,000

The Technical Presentation Competition will be hosted during the Annual Board Meeting & Conference in San Diego, CA in 2025. An interdisciplinary mix of employers, researchers, and universities will present and/or evaluate summer research projects from the current GEM Fellows. Students will also participate in current issues workshops concerned with the challenging and changing context of graduate school success and research.

Today an increasing percentage of students with advanced degrees in science or engineering were once GEM Fellows. The GEM Alumni are a vital part of the continued success of the GEM Fellowship program. In addition to supporting the Alumni-sponsored Fellowship, many volunteer as GEM Ambassadors at their place of employment and participate as speakers at GEM GRAD Labs, FFP symposiums and informational sessions held around the country. Through sponsorship of GEM Alumni programs, your company or university gain access and direct promotion in front of close to 4,000 GEM Alumni; individuals who hold a master’s or PhD degree in a STEM field.


GEM Alumni Networking Events

GEM will host socials around the country for alumni local to a GRAD Lab to come out to network with each other and to meet GEM staff, Sponsors and University hosts. These events also create a unique opportunity for potential GEM fellows to interact and engage with our GEM alumni about the challenges and triumphs of graduate school. Events sponsors benefit from branding opportunities on event collateral and during the active event.

Alumni Socials | $1,500 Per Event

  • New England GEM Alumni Social
  • Upstate New York GEM Alumni Social
  • New York City GEM Alumni Social
  • Mid-Atlantic GEM Alumni Social
  • Southeast GEM Alumni Social
  • Midwest GEM Alumni Social
  • Texas GEM Alumni Social
  • Western GEM Alumni Social

GEM Alumni Annual Conference | $15,000

The GEM Alumni Association meets once annual at the GEM Annual Board Meeting and Conference. Display your institution’s logo on all Alumni conference events and the GEM Alumni website.

GEM Alumni Database Development | $10,000

Help grow the GEM Alumni Association by sponsoring the development of a comprehensive database of technical minority professionals who hold graduate degrees in STEM.

Download the Sponsorship Form