GEM is a unique and powerful connection to a national network of universities and employers (corporations and national laboratories). GEM connects highly qualified students from primarily underrepresented groups to STEM graduate programs with much-needed financial support that is often the deciding factor in pursuing graduate education.
Find out what your company or university is doing to increase underrepresented minorities with advanced degrees and connect the GEM staff to key decision makers to help fulfill both organization’s missions. Please contact GEM at if you would like to help expand GEM’s partnerships.
Graduate School: Virginia Commonwealth University
Occupation: Senior Vice President for Global Innovation, TekniPlex, Inc.
Graduate School: Georgia Institute of Technology,
Occupation: Assistant Extension Director, Alabama Cooperative Extension System, Alabama A&M University (AAMU)
Grad School: Stanford University
Occupation: Vice President, Transaction Advisory practice, Resource Global Professionals (RGP)
Grad School: Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Occupation: Senior Technology Leader, Deloitte Consulting’s SAP practice
Grad School: Florida State University
GEM Employer: The Aerospace Corporation
Occupation: Senior Project Leader, Vehicle Engineering Department, The Aerospace Corporation
Grad School:
GEM Employer: Lockheed Martin and Accenture
Occupation: Systems Engineer, Pax Engineering
Help support the next generation of the best and brightest diverse talent in the country and bring us closer to achieving scientific impact.
You can’t be what you can’t see and so help the next generation of URMs in STEM see that there are real pathways towards STEM excellence. Become a speaker and share your story and advice.
Maximize the value of the GEM consortium by attending an event locally, regionally, nationally at our annual conference or virtually. Leverage this network to learn, collaborate and grow.