Learn about the GEM Fellowship Program here

GEM Fellowship Program

Fellowship Programs

About the Program

The objective of this program is to promote the benefits of a masters degree within industry. GEM Fellows are provided practical engineering summer work experiences through an employer sponsor and a portable academic year fellowship of tuition, fees, and a stipend which may be used at any participating GEM Member University where the GEM Fellow is admitted. The following financial package is for GEM Fellowships beginning in the Fall or later (i.e., not retroactive for GEM Fellows who began their GEM Fellowship before the Fall). Please note that University / Associate Fellows are nominated by the University, not selected by the applicant.


Employer Fellows (All applicants must be available for selection by an employer) – University Sponsorship required

  • $4,000 living stipend per full-time semester up to 4 semesters ($8K per academic year – 3 quarters)
  • Minimum $16,000 total stipend over the entire Master’s program
  • Up to two paid summer internships with a GEM Employer Member
  • Full tuition and fees provided by a GEM University Member
    *The GEM Member University will provide a financial contract at the time the GEM Fellowship is confirmed per this recommended distribution of the GEM Employer contribution.

University / Associate are nominated by the university, not chosen by the applicant.

University Fellows

  • Full tuition and fees provided by the GEM Member University

Associate Fellows

  • Full tuition and fees provided by the GEM Member University
  • At least $8,000 stipend per year provided by the GEM Member University For Master Student
  • At least $16,000 stipend per year provided by the GEM Member University For PhD Student

Program Eligibility

  • Must be a senior, or graduate of an accredited engineering or computer science program at the time of application.
  • Must have a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.8/4.0.
  • Must contractually agree to intern for two summers with sponsoring GEM Employer, beginning the Summer after sponsorship.


About the Program

The objective of this program is to offer doctoral fellowships to students who have either completed, are currently enrolled in a master’s in engineering program, or received admittance into a PhD program directly from a bachelor’s degree program. Fellowships may be used at any participating GEM Member University where the GEM Fellow is admitted. Please note that University / Associate Fellows are nominated by the University, not selected by the applicant.

During the first academic year of being awarded the GEM Fellowship, the GEM Consortium remits a stipend and a cost of instruction grant to the institution where the fellow is enrolled. Thereafter, up to the fifth year of the doctoral program, continued financial support of the GEM Fellow is borne by the GEM University through alternative sources of funding such as institutional awards, assistantships or other external fellowships. Continued support from the GEM University will be contingent upon the GEM Fellow remaining in good academic standing and making satisfactory progress in their graduate program. Fellows are provided a paid graduate level summer work experience through the Employer Member for at least one summer.


Employer Fellows (All applicants must be available for selection by an employer) – University Sponsorship required

  • Additional stipend (assistantships, grants, other stipend dollars) support from GEM Member University to bring the stipend amount up to the funding level of other funded PhD students in that department
  • A minimum of one paid summer internships with a GEM Employer Member
  • Full tuition and fees up to the fifth year of the PhD program
  • PhD Employer Fellows receive a stipend of at least $16,000 per year

University / Associate are nominated by the university, not chosen by the applicant.

Associate Fellows

  • Full tuition and fees provided by the GEM Member University
  • At least $8,000 stipend per year provided by the GEM Member University For Master Student
  • At least $16,000 stipend per year provided by the GEM Member University For PhD Student

Program Eligibility

  • Must be a senior, masters student, or graduate of an accredited engineering or applied science program at the time of application.
  • Must have a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.0/4.0.
  • Must contractually agree to intern with a GEM Employer member the Summer immediately after sponsorship.

Application Instructions and Schedule

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Rules and Requirements

General Eligibility


Applicants must be a U.S. citizen or U.S. permanent resident at time of application.


Applicants are strongly encouraged to take the GRE to qualify for multiple GEM Member University programs.  Although NOT required.  Applicants will be asked to provide test dates and/or GRE scores when available.

University Graduate Program: Applicants must directly apply to a minimum of three (3) GEM Member Universities STEM graduate departments. The deadline to apply to three GEM Member Universities is January 15th OR the relevant STEM graduate department deadline, whichever is earlier. Applicants must be admitted into a GEM Member University graduate program with confirmed department funding support before the GEM Fellowship is awarded.

Applying to Graduate School

The portable fellowships are valid at only GEM member universities. The cost of application to graduate school is borne by the student (please check the GEM University Membership listing to see if your graduate institution of interest offers STEM graduate application waivers to GEM applicants). Each GEM Member University has its own entrance requirements, and students are accepted on their own merits. GEM member universities are not obligated to admit a student. It is advisable to apply for admission to several of the member universities at the same time application is made to the GEM program, but no later than the university’s published deadline.  GEM does not fund online programs.

Requirement to apply to a minimum of 3 GEM Member Universities

GEM fellowship applicants must apply to a minimum of 3 GEM Member Universities, directly to the relevant STEM department by their published deadline. Applying directly to 3 GEM Member Universities for admission to a STEM graduate program by their posted deadline is an ABSOLUTE REQUIREMENT. If the applicant is currently matriculating in a STEM graduate program, where they are seeking financial support, and the GEM Member University (of current graduate matriculation) is willing to provide in writing willingness to support as a GEM Fellow if selected, then and only then is the requirement to apply to a minimum of 3 GEM Member Universities waived.

Confirmation of GEM Fellowships by GEM Member Universities

Member universities may have additional requirements for the acceptance of GEM fellows (e.g. requirements for obtaining in-state residency, requirements for acceptance of teaching or research assistantship, budgeted number of GEM Fellows per academic year). Please check with the particular graduate school of interest to you. Admission into a GEM Member University’s STEM graduate department does not directly translate to confirmation of the use of the GEM Fellowship at the participating GEM Member University. At the time of selection, a GEM Member University Representative will confirm in writing if the GEM Fellowship can be used at their institution.  The GEM Member University graduate program must confirm willingness to fund an applicant as a GEM Fellow, prior to the GEM Fellowship being awarded.

Code of Conduct

If confirmed as a GEM Fellow, you will be expected to conduct yourself in a professional manner at all times. The following internship criteria must be followed to assure continuation of your GEM Fellowship:

  • You are required to work as a summer intern for your sponsoring employer for 10-12 weeks during the Summer(s).
  • While on assignment to your sponsoring employer, you are governed by that employer’s employment policies, practices, procedures, dress code, and/or standards of conduct. To avoid any misunderstanding, it is recommended that you obtain clarification regarding such matters from your employer when you begin your assignment.
  • Your performance while on assignment as an intern will be measured by your employer’s performance measurement process. You must receive a satisfactory (or better) performance rating for the period of your internship to retain your fellowship. Failure to do so will result in dismissal as a GEM Fellow.
  • You are required to prepare a summary report explaining your internship experience, and provide a copy of that report to your supervisor and to the GEM Office no later than 2 weeks after the completion of your internship.
  • You must meet, as requested, with the GEM staff member(s) during site visits to your employer.
  • You must keep both the GEM Office and your sponsoring employer apprised, at all times, of your current e-mail, address and telephone number. You can do this by keeping your eGEM applicant account up to date.

Adhering to this code of conduct will help you optimize your internship experience, and you will continue the tradition of GEM fellows being regarded as a very select group of students who meet the highest possible academic and personal standard

Tuition and Stipend

GEM MS Engineering Fellows receive a stipend, which may be supplemented by the GEM Member University. The funding for the MS Award is for up to four semesters or up to six quarters.

The funding for the PhD programs is up to the 5th year of the PhD program. One year is funded through the GEM National Office (via sponsorship from a GEM Employer and the GEM University). During the remaining years of the PhD program (up to the fifth year), GEM Fellows are funded at the same level of other funded doctorate students in the department. GEM Fellows may be expected to accept a teaching or research assistantship. GEM Universities may place additional requirements on GEM Fellows, such as requiring that GEM Fellows obtain in-state residency. GEM Fellows must check with individual GEM Member University representatives to determine if additional requirements exist at that university.

MS Engineering Fellowship Program

  • $16,000 total stipend over the entire Master’s program (remitted in payments by terms to the matriculating GEM Member University)
  • Full tuition and fees at GEM Member University

PhD Engineering/Science Fellowship Program

  • At least $16,000 stipend applied to each academic year
  • Additional stipend (assistantships, grants, other stipend dollars) support from GEM Member University to bring the stipend amount up to the funding level of other funded PhD students in that department
  • Full tuition and fees up to the fifth year of the PhD program

Payment of Stipend

Students receive their stipend in accordance with each GEM University’s payment schedule, and may be paid in weekly, bi-weekly, semi-monthly, or monthly installments. Stipend payments typically begin about one month after the student arrives on campus. Thus, GEM Fellows are advised to retain sufficient funds from their summer internship stipends to cover anticipated initial expenses (e.g., travel to the GEM University, books, supplies, etc.).

To begin receiving the stipend, GEM Fellows are required to meet with their GEM University Representative, to submit internship self-evaluations, graduate program plan.

Length of Fellowship

MS engineering fellows are expected to complete their master’s degree coursework in four semesters or six quarters. Ph.D. engineering and science fellows receive support up to the fifth year of their PhD program. After the first year of support through GEM, fellows are required to accept a research or teaching assistantship, or other financial support through the GEM member university.

Terms of Fellowship

Fellows are required to attend a GEM Member University, maintain satisfactory progress toward an MS or PhD degree, abide by GEM guidelines, and abide by the guidelines of the GEM Employer sponsor.

Summer School vs. Internship

As a rule, students cannot substitute summer school for their internship obligation. However, this requirement may be waived under special circumstances, such as early graduation with the intent of working full-time for the sponsoring company. Written requests for a waiver must be made to the GEM Employer and the GEM National Office several months before the summer employment is scheduled to begin.

Leave of Absence

Upon written approval from the GEM Employer, GEM University, and GEM National Office, a student may obtain a leave of absence from the GEM Fellowship Program. The Fellow must re-enroll within the terms of the agreed upon arrangement.


A GEM Fellow must secure prior written approval from the GEM National Office to withdraw from the GEM Fellowship Program. If an enrolled GEM Fellow drops out of the academic program before the school term has ended, the GEM Fellow may be liable for full or partial restitution of stipend, tuition and fee payments.

Grounds for Termination

The National GEM Consortium reserves the right to terminate a GEM Fellow’s appointment and stipend payment immediately for violation of the terms of the appointment or for misconduct. Either an unsatisfactory progress report from the University Member or an unsatisfactory performance report from the Employer Member where the student is assigned may be considered grounds for termination. Any student terminated for gross misconduct, negligence, or non-performance will be considered to have violated their agreement with the National GEM Consortium and will be ineligible for future consideration.

Note on Taxability of Fellowship Monies

All students receiving fellowships or other graduate assistance funds should be advised that these monies may be subject to local, state or federal taxes. All GEM Fellows should contact the appropriate taxing authority for further information.

Medical Expenses

GEM Fellows are encouraged to take advantage of medical insurance made available to them by their Graduate School. Most Universities do not include medical expenses in tuition and fees. The cost for these expenses can be paid out of the fellowship stipend or summer earnings.

Eligible Disciplines

Included, But Not Limited To

Aeronautical Engineering
Agricultural Engineering
Analytical Chemistry
Biomedical Engineering
Chemical Engineering

Civil Engineering
Computer Engineering
Computer Science
Data Science
Electrical Engineering
Environmental Engineering
Environmental Science
Industrial Engineering
Information Systems
Inorganic Chemistry
Manufacturing Engineering
Materials Engineering

Materials Science
Mechanical Engineering
Metallurgical Engineering
Nuclear Engineering
Operations Research
Organic Chemistry
Petroleum Engineering
Structural Engineering
Systems Engineering


The summer internship at a GEM Employer constitutes the initial phase of the GEM Fellowship program and acceptance of such employment validates the fellowship.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Is the GRE required?

The National GEM Consortium highly recommends all students considering applying for a STEM graduate program to take the GRE. However, the GRE is NOT required for the GEM application. Each GEM applicant is required to fully answer questions posed in the on-line application about the GRE.

If my current University says they will support me as a GEM Fellow, do I have to apply to three (3) GEM Member Universities?

Yes! Applying to three (3) GEM Member Universities is an ABSOLUTE requirement. If you are currently matriculating in an undergraduate program, you absolutely must apply to three (3) GEM Member Universities, even if your home institution has indicated they will support you as a GEM Fellow if you are selected.

The only exception is if you are currently matriculating in a graduate program; the same graduate program that you are seeking financial support for indicates in writing that they are willing to support you as a GEM Fellow, if selected. If you are currently pursuing a MS degree and are applying for the GEM PhD Fellowship, and plan to stay at the same institution, you still must apply to three (3) GEM Member Universities.

I have been notified of sponsorship by a GEM Employer, but I have not heard from my employer sponsor. What should I do? Can I still accept the fellowship?

Please contact the GEM Office at 703-562-3639 to help you contact the appropriate GEM Employer representative. Then proceed to accept the fellowship and sign the acceptance form on-line as soon as you are prepared to accept the GEM Fellowship conditions.

If I have interviewed with or been contacted by multiple GEM employers that have shared their interest in hiring me and sponsoring me as a GEM Fellow or if I have recently been notified of my selection by a GEM employer, BUT it is not by my GEM preferred employer, am I required to accept the offer from the GEM employer that selected me to receive the GEM Fellowship?

During the GEM employer selection phase of the fellowship process, applicants may be contacted by multiple GEM employers that are interested in interviewing and potentially hiring the applicant as an intern as part of formal GEM Fellowship sponsorship support.  At any point during this process, a GEM employer can select an applicant for sponsorship support. Once this occurs, no other GEM Employer can select the applicant.  It is important to note in this process, that although we take the GEM applicants preferences in consideration, the GEM Employer has the first right of refusal.  In summary, the GEM employer selects the desired applicant for sponsorship support; the applicant does not select the desired GEM employer.

Once the applicant has been selected by a GEM employer in our system, he/she has the option of accepting the internship and sponsorship support offer of the selecting GEM employer. If the GEM applicant chooses not to accept the internship offer, he/she is choosing to decline the GEM Fellowship and will not be eligible to be selected by another GEM employer; nor be eligible to be named as a GEM Associate or University Fellow.

IMPORTANT NOTE: All internships associated with confirmed GEM Fellowships MUST be completed over a 10-12 week period in the Summer (May – August, or September for universities on quarters).  Internships that begin or extend beyond the start of the Fall term, when the GEM Fellow is required to begin or continue the on-campus graduate program, are NOT allowed without permission of the National GEM Consortium, and acceptance may result in ineligibility for confirmation and declining of the GEM Fellowship.

What if I am still unsure about accepting the GEM Fellowship by the deadline?

Your decision to delay accepting the GEM Fellowship prohibits the GEM Employer from seeking the best internship experience in a timely manner. Therefore, in the interest of the GEM Employer and other GEM Applicants, this is not an option.

I haven’t decided whether I should go to graduate school or work full time. Can I defer accepting the fellowship? Or can I accept the fellowship and defer starting graduate school?

If you are unsure about your graduate school plans, you should talk to your GEM Employer and University representative. The GEM University Representative, where you have been accepted for graduate school, may be able to defer starting your graduate program or you may be advised to decline the award and reapply when you are ready for graduate school.  You cannot knowingly accept the GEM Fellowship with the intent to defer the start of graduate school to a later date.

I was not admitted to my first choice graduate school (or any graduate school). What should I do?

Contact the GEM office and the GEM Representative at the university(ies) that did not admit you, and find out the reasons for your not being admitted. Discuss your options with the department, graduate school or GEM University representative. You may be advised to retake the GRE, or expand the list of graduate schools to consider. If you wish to request deferring the start of graduate school, discuss this possibility with your employer representative. The GEM office may be able to advise you of GEM Member Universities who are accepting late applicants. You may be advised to reapply for a GEM Fellowship when you are prepared to begin graduate school.  Note, final deadlines for university acceptance with funding are communicated to eligible applicant that move forward in the confirmation process.  Applicants that have not been confirmed at a GEM Member University by the published deadline may disqualify themselves from final confirmation as a GEM Fellow.

How are stipend checks disbursed? I received an invoice for my graduate school tuition. What should I do?

All funds are administered through the GEM University representative. Please make sure your eGEM account is up to date with internship evaluations, graduate course plan, and updated transcripts such that your GEM stipend can be remitted to your University. Please also meet with your GEM University Representative to determine their requirements to receive your stipend.

I have begun my summer internship and do not like my job. Can I switch my Employer sponsor?

You must work for the employer that sponsored you for the GEM Fellowship. If you do not fulfill your obligation, you must decline your GEM Fellowship.

Can I accept more than one fellowship?

It depends on what is offered to you. While you may not accept a competing fellowship in addition to the GEM Fellowship, you are eligible to accept many supplemental fellowships. Please call the GEM Office for additional information.

GEM Fellowship Program
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